Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade)
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Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade)

Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade)
Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade) Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade) Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade)

Angel with Candle Pyramid and Toy Horse (Flade)


In Stock
  Gift Wrap (add $4.50)

A charming figurine of a young blue-winged angel who stands next to an Erzgebirge candle pyramid and a traditional Thueringen toy horse.

This exquisite miniature was hand crafted and painted in the Olbernhau, Germany workshop of Flade.

The Flade figurines are famous the world over for their fine detail and for the flax hair of the angels and children. Each one is truly a stunning work of Erzgebirge folk art!


Age: For family use.
Product Code: MWF6188
Made In: Olbernhau Germany
Product Size: H: 1.75in W: 2in
Safety: This is not a toy! For display use only.
